Download free full version games. This is a highly visited free game downloading site.Enthusiast gamers should find their passion for video games fulfilled because we inform you about the best free pc games available for downloading: real time strategy, turn based strategy, role playing games, shooters, simulations, action, platformers. All these games are available for free downloading, you don't have to buy them.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Operation 7

Operation 7 tries to be a realistic FPS game by the principle first shoot get you killed. While actually not so you are dead with only several shots taken. Operation 7 is an online multiplayer FPS played in teams and at first look is quite similar to Counterstrike. Players can choose from around 90 real weapons (no SF weapons here) and action takes places on one of the 22 maps available. Twenty of these maps are set up based on real world locations. Another good thing about Operation 7 is the possibility to modify your own weapons using more than 540 parts to choose from. Your own avatar is also customizable.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances

Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances is a free strategy game to be played online. This game takes place in Command & Conquer: Tiberium universe. Players will have to control resources and optimize harvesting in a prepare to fight against other players or Environment units. Strategic alliances can be forged to increase survival chances. Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances doesn't require download because it is browser based.

Install and play for free Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn

The Wing Commander franchise has been badly neglected by EA over the past decade, but a group of dedicated fans just completed a 10-year labor of love to bring it back. Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn is based on the open-sourced FreeSpace 2 engine, so it's not a mod but a full, stand-alone game that you can download and play for free.

Wing Commander Saga, "The Darkest Dawn" * begins right before Wing Commander 3 and concludes with the ending of the Terran-Kilrathi War (whether or not the Terrans win depends on you).
It has been six months since the Battle of Earth, and inspite of new fighters, carriers, and technology joining the Fleet, the war effort is not going well. Everyday, more news of fresh defeats and losses make their way around the Confederation Forward Fleet, who have to face the possibility that they will not be the ultimate victors.

You are based on the TCS Hermes, one of the handful of large carriers left on the front line. You play the role of Second Lieutenant David Markham, a pilot recently transferred to the Hermes.

Markham is no different from the other young idealistic rookies who are determined to make a name for themselves. Already having your metal tested and your outlook hardened by your time on the Wellington, you still dream of flying heroic strike missions deep into the heart of the Kilrathi Empire, finally bringing this decades long conflict to an end.

But all hopes and dreams are squashed by the burden of reality. In every system, the Confederation forces are badly outnumbered and outgunned. For every Kilrathi fighter and warship destroyed, 10 others takes their place. Comms from HQ order the abandonment of civilian colonies which the Confederation no longer has any strength to defend. The retreat is downward spiral leading to the final stand at Earth. It won't be very long till Markham experiences what the true nature War really is ...

  • Epic Storyline that complements, not contradict, the events portrayed by the Wing Commander 3 game and novel.
  • Presence of other Confederation carrier battle groups and fighter squadrons gives large-scale “teamwork” environment – the Hermes does not fight the war alone
  • Over nine hours of voice dialogue.
  • Approximately 70 cut scenes for a total of about 90 minutes of pre-rendered footage (not counting in-flight communications and command briefings).
  • Over 60 voice actors, some of whom are actual professionals.
  • 221 voice acting roles.
  • 55 missions.
  • Achievements (mission performance is evaluated and rewarded)
  • 90 models created for Saga.
  • Download size of 3-4GB with an installation size of 8-9 GB
  • The computer game which supplies the background world in which Wing Commander Saga is set is the all-time bestseller. We believe that familiarity with either one of the games (Wing Commander 1-4) or one of the novels (preferably End Run, Fleet Action, The Heart of the Tiger) will intensify enjoyment of the Wing Commander Saga.


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